3:00 AM

Decentralization: Reform or Revolution?

Wikipedia definitions on reform and revolution are a bit confusing, but one thing is sure: ongoing and upcoming changes in our economical, educational, political, cultural and social institutions are a mixture of both processes.

Technical improvements of the last two decades have started a incrasing trend in our society called: DECENTRALIZATION. This buttom-up movement slowly reformates our institutions one after another bringing revolutionary changes to our every-day lives.

It is not about technology, but the new way of  interaction with our enviroment what was made possible by the spred of always connected mobile divices.

With the new kind of interacton a few core factors have changed around organization of communities:

  • forming a community made extremely easy
  • for a community it doesen't required to be the same place at same time to act harmoniously

The Diary of Silent Revolution is came alive to documentate my thoughts on how these seemingly minor changes could make groundbreaking impact on our current society.

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